discount on home insurance

How Can I Get A Discount On House Insurance?

Thanks to the increasing numbers of natural disasters, availability of materials, and demand for new construction, Texans have seen increase in property insurance the past couple years. A perfect storm of market trends has driven up the cost of building homes — and with it the cost of insuring them for repair and replacement. Homeowner’s…

house fire covered by a dwelling fire policy in austin

What is a Dwelling Fire Policy?

Your condo policy and homeowners insurance company are designed to help protect you in the event of a natural weather disaster such as a hurricane, tropical system, tornado, hail storm, lightning, wildfire, and other covered perils for your primary residence. A dwelling fire policy was created for someone that does not live in a property…

classic cars that need classic car insurance

Do you need Classic Car Insurance?

Cooler temperatures are signaling a change in season from summer to winter. However, that doesn’t mean the end of driving your convertible across the Lake Austin 360 Pennybacker Bridge. In Texas, classic car enthusiasts do not go dormant and can be active year-round! Some folks might devote cooler months to making modifications on their primary…