Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Water Loss?

Insurance policies are different with every carrier, and some do not include broad water coverage terminology. Review your current policy or ask your agent about the coverage you feel is most important. It is important to note that you may be grandfathered into coverage that no longer exists on newer Texas policy forms or quotes.…

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Hail Damage?

Depending on your policy, most Texas homeowners insurance plans will cover hail damage to your roof and other parts of your home. However, in areas of the state where hail is more frequent, insurance policies are more likely to include restrictions on coverage or higher deductibles.  Severe hailstorms can happen almost anywhere, and it can…

8 Benefits of an Independent Insurance Agent

What is an independent insurance agent? Your local independent agent has the fiduciary responsibility to be your advocate. That means your personal agent places your interests above their own, and over the interest of the insurance company. Your local agent works for you and can answer your questions without the influence of an insurance carrier.…

What is Homeowners’ Self-Insurance?

Texans are very price-focused these days due to insurance property market conditions and climate change impacting inflation. However, many clients may not understand that going without insurance, or that cheap home insurance, is not always a good insurance solution.   Why is the Cost of Insurance Increasing in Texas? All Texas insurance companies are raising…

Craft Beer Restaurants

  What are the benefits of liquor liability insurance? Living in Austin this time of year is one ongoing outdoor patio social gathering, and we are here for the beautiful autumn weather! The Britton and Britton Insurance agency can help you handle the unexpected challenges unique to not only homeowners insurance in Texas, but also…

October Fall Festival

Autumn is the perfect season to get back outside and enjoy the outdoors without the oppressive heat of this past summer.  Texans enjoy their festivals as much and almost as frequently as breakfast tacos. The change of calendar month to October is a reminder that soon we will prepare our home and enjoy our favorite…

Do I Need Insurance For My Roof?

On average Texas experiences fifty to sixty days a year of rainstorms. Thunderstorms with high winds and severe hail occur on about a third of those days. While severe thunderstorms are most common in the spring and summer, they can occur just about any time of year in South and Central Texas. Sure, it is impressively…